About us
Our company designs and manufactures electronic microclimate control devices for agriculture and industry, especially for animal breeding (poultry houses, pig houses, barns) and mushroom cultivation (mushroom growing facilities). First regulators were developed in 1994 and since 1999 the batch production for companies equipping inventory buildings has started.
The process of breeding and cultivation requires a high level of reliability and therefore our products are carefully manufactured and tested. During their production we pay special attention to appropriate security of the devices as well as on self control and operations monitoring. The high quality and a suitable technical level of the JOTAFAN system can be proven by the continuous sales and popularity among installation companies as well as breeders who are satisfied with the functionality provided by our products and also by the affordable prices.
The JOTAFAN system is being continuously developed by new equipment. The software of regulators is modified according to the requirements of the users.
Currently our system includes:
-microclimate controllers (regulators) equipped with advanced control algorithms as well as the possibility of system configuration in a building; temperature and humidity controllers,
-manual and automatic poultry scales, automatic poultry weighing systems used during the breeding process,
-an alarming unit with GSM communication, alarm signalling devices and buffer power suppliers,
-fluorescent lamp housings with regulation of light intensity, regulators, dimmers, programmable light regulators,
-counters and controllers for feeding and watering,
-extension modules (e.g. for fluent section of fans regulation, control of hopper-type windows servomotor etc., for cooperation with JOTAFAN microclimate controllers as well as control devices of other manufacturers – the modules are equipped with control 0..10V inputs),
-temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide sensors as well as a differential pressure sensor
-inverters, speed regulators of single-phase fans, light intensity regulators, power regulators
-computer software supporting the breeding and cultivation processes.
One of the main advantages of JOTAFAN system controllers is the usage of calibrated digital temperature and humidity sensors. The sensors can be connected to the controllers by means of cables of length up to 100m to ensure measurement of temperature and humidity without disruptions and errors, typical to analogue sensors. The controllers also perform the diagnostics of correctness of operation of measurement routes (cable, sensor) and indicate an alarm when any irregularities are detected.
Some controllers as well as the automatic poultry weighing system are equipped with a relay alarm output, operating in emergency situations, e.g.: in case of exceeding the acceptable values of the environment parameters, damage of a sensor or extension modules, power cut-off etc.). Together with our alarming unit with GSM messages they create the system of remote control of a building.
We also offer front-end modules allowing cooperation of the JOTAFAN system equipment with modules of other manufacturers (fluent regulation of power, hopper-type windows control devices, inverters and others) by means of an analogue signal 0..10V.
Our company also offers accessories connected with electrical and transmission installation in buildings such as: anti-interference filters, hermetic junction boxes , GSM antennas or Wi-Fi.
We also execute custom made adaptations of existing equipment to specific user requirements and develop new solutions.
We invite you to learn more about our products and to cooperate with our Company.