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Set of components ZP-01
A set of components for the JOTAFAN company ZP-01 in the form of an organizer. The set includes fuses used in devices produced by our company, spare screws for housings of these devices and an electromagnetic relay used in inlets modules, including INLET-010. The set makes servicing easy not only for installation companies but also the Users of the JOTAFAN company devices.
The set includes:
- 10 glass fuses T 0,125 A,
- 5 glass fuses T 0,315 A,
- 20 ceramic fuses T 0,5 A,
- 10 ceramic fuses T 1,6 A,
- 10 ceramic fuses T 3,15 A,
- 5 ceramic fuses T 8 A,
- 1 screw for housings of the Gewiss company 44207 and 44209,
- 2 screws for housings of the Legrand company,
- 2 socket holders of pipe fuses 5x20mm,
- 1 electromagnetic relay RM84-3012-35-1012 with a clamp.